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Emvisage Explained – Customisation in Job Management Software

Every field service business is different. You know that your business is unique. As your team and job volumes grow, an off-the-shelf product isn’t going to cut it anymore. It might actually slow down your progress. There is a point where all the different tools, spreadsheets, and emails hold your business back. It’s a handbrake on your flow and growth. Don’t let that happen to your business and switch to a tool that is customized to your specific needs.

If your work and workflow are complicated, Emvisage Field Workflow Software’s powerful customization capabilities will transform the way you and your teamwork.

X-Smart forms in Emvisage Job Management Software

1. X-Smart forms

X-Smart forms are highly customizable forms that can be set up specifically to your needs, and preferences. One example here is that you can add and change any field you want using your company’s unique jargon. Your team doesn’t have to change the way they work, Emvisage simply makes collaboration easier.

X-Smart forms in Emvisage Job Management SoftwareX-Smart forms in Emvisage Job Management Software

2. Easy transition

Customization also means we can perfectly fit your existing forms into Emvisage, making it easier to train your team and ensure a smooth transition. 

3. Tailor-made reports

Another major benefit is tailor-made reports that only show what is important in your business. You’ll always see what you need to see, without having to go through dozens of documents in different files. Emvisage streamlines the process of reading reports so that there’s no time wasted looking or setting up your reports.

4. Customised documents & exports

It’s also possible to customize exports, so you can automatically generate documents to assist your business. This saves you and your team time and effort, as well as reducing possible mistakes from manually writing up the documents. Those reports range from summary reports to use in meetings, to documentation for clients and safety papers when an audit is around the corner. It only takes a few seconds to generate such a report - a massive time saver compared to the hours to make something comparable manually.

Customization & Automation of documents & reportsCustomization & Automation of documents & reports

The results of our customers like AGL and Tesla, as well as a range of smaller and mid-sized companies, speak volumes: 30-40% of back-office costs savings, 75% fewer emails, and reduced time spent on field paperwork by up to 50%. 

It’s time to benefit from the power of customisation in job management! Request a personalised demo today and we’ll show you how!

For organisations with highly complex field workflow

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