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Job Management Software For Solar Installers - How to Automate?

November 21, 2020Field Service Software

The year 2020 is likely to set a new record in annual solar PV installations in Australia – and it’s not going to end there. The solar power market in Australia is expected to grow 20% annually until 2025. For field service companies, solar photovoltaic (PV) will be a lucrative sector. However, because of the complicated installation process, solar PV is a tough efficiency challenge, too.

This article explains how you can automate job management for solar PVautomate job management for solar PV installations to efficiently and profitably meet the rapidly growing market demand!

What Drives Solar PV Market in Australia?

Australia’s solar power market is expected to grow 20% annually until 2025, according to Reportlinker research. The rapid market growth is fuelled by declining solar PV system prices, favorable government schemes for small-scale solar power generation, supportive financial packages for solar PV installers, and upcoming large-scale solar power projects. Utility-scale solar power deployments are expected to witness the fastest growth in the coming years. The global pandemic drives residential installations as people stay home more and save in energy bills via solar.

Solar PV Field Installations

Solar PV involves a complex field installation process. The systems consist of several equipment types to be integrated (panels, batteries, switches, transformers), complicated couplings and cabling, and dangerous sites, such as rooftops. Due to the regulations, each site must be duly audited.

Because of solar PV complexities, the high-growth market can turn out risky for the field service companies. A well-organized team, efficient process, and skilled technicians can get you a long way. But, if your team starts to drop balls in a rush, miss out on project deadlines, and fail the site audits, your costs will increase, profits decline, and in the worst case, you can lose customers. 

Growth Market Challenge

The challenge for field service companies is how to balance growth and costs? How to serve more customers while keeping the team and process up to speed and maintaining a healthy profit margin? The solution is job management automation!

With automated job management, you can cut paperwork by 50%, eliminate 75% of emails, reduce quality issues by 75% - and handle 90% of installations without any phone calls, as JetCharge does after automating job management with Emvisage.

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How to Automate Job Management for Solar Installations?

If there’s one thing we have learned when automating job management for our field service customers, automating a sub-optimal process doesn’t bring you long-term efficiency gains. So, before rushing into automating a job management software, you should optimize your process to get the maximum efficiency gains and squeeze every last dollar of profit out of your service!

3-Step Process  

Here’s our field-proven, 3-step approach for job management automation that we always take up with our field service customers!

1. Optimize Your Solar Installation Process

The benefit of automation is that your team always follows the same process, and case-by-case deviations and human coordination are minimized. However, you don’t want your team to follow a sub-optimal process every time. So, before rushing into tailoring and automating your job management software, you should optimize your process to achieve maximum long-term efficiency gains.

2. Tailor Job Management Software

After you have honed your process to perfection, it is time to tailor the job management software accordingly. The standard ready-to-use job management software products provide you with a generic, pre-defined process that doesn’t allow tailoring or automation. However, Tailor-Made software, such as Emvisage, allows full tailoring to perfectly adapt to your process, not the other way around. 

3. Automate!

If you can automate your field service process, your long-term working efficiency increases significantly, and you can cut down hassle due to reduced paperwork, emails, and phone calls. Your team follows the same – streamlined – process always, all jobs are completed and documented duly, and the site audits are passed with flying colors. As a result, automation increases your operating profits in the long run.

Emvisage - the Easiest Tailor-Made Job Management Software for Solar Installations

Most tailor-made job management software requires heavy customization and extensive software development. Deployment can take months, it is costly, and all future modifications require a change request and more coding.

Emvisage is a no-code Tailor-Made Job Management software for field service companies operating in complex sectors such as solar PV. Unlike the other tailor-made solutions, Emvisage provides a drag-drop process builder. Tailoring can be done quickly without software development. It allows you a fast deployment.

You can tailor Emvisage to adapt to your organization, not the other way around, and automate your entire job management. During onboarding, Emvisage gives you best-practice guidelines and one-to-one support for optimizing your process!

Are you ready to automate your field service business? Contact Emvisage, and let’s start by optimizing your process!

Book a Demo – See the Benefits in 10 Minutes!



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